cayenne : Python package for stochastic simulations

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cayenne is a Python package for stochastic simulations. It offers a simple API to define models, perform stochastic simulations with them and visualize the results in a convenient manner.

Currently under active development in the develop branch.


Install with pip:

$ pip install cayenne



A short summary follows, but a more detailed tutorial can be found here. You can define a model as a Python string (or a text file, see docs). The format of this string is loosely based on the excellent antimony library, which is used behind the scenes by cayenne.

from cayenne.simulation import Simulation
model_str = """
        const compartment comp1;
        comp1 = 1.0; # volume of compartment

        r1: A => B; k1;
        r2: B => C; k2;

        k1 = 0.11;
        k2 = 0.1;
        chem_flag = false;

        A = 100;
        B = 0;
        C = 0;
sim = Simulation.load_model(model_str, "ModelString")
# Run the simulation
sim.simulate(max_t=40, max_iter=1000, n_rep=10)
Plot of species A, B and C

Plot of species A, B and C

Change simulation algorithm

You can change the algorithm used to perform the simulation by changing the algorithm parameter (one of "direct", "tau_leaping" or "tau_adaptive")

sim.simulate(max_t=150, max_iter=1000, n_rep=10, algorithm="tau_leaping")

Our benchmarks are summarized below, and show direct to be a good starting point. tau_leaping offers greater speed but needs specification and tuning of the tau hyperparameter. The tau_adaptive is less accurate and a work in progress.

Run simulations in parallel

You can run the simulations on multiple cores by specifying the n_procs parameter

sim.simulate(max_t=150, max_iter=1000, n_rep=10, n_procs=4)

Accessing simulation results

You can access all the results or the results for a specific list of species

# Get all the results
results = sim.results
# Get results only for one or more species
results.get_species(["A", "C"])

You can also access the final states of all the simulation runs by

# Get results at the simulation endpoints
final_times, final_states =

Additionally, you can access the state a particular time point of interest \(t\). cayenne will interpolate the value from nearby time points to give an accurate estimate.

# Get results at timepoint "t"
t = 10.0
states = results.get_state(t) # returns a list of numpy arrays


  direct tau_leaping tau_adaptive
cayenne :he avy_check_mark: Most accurate yet :he avy_check_mark: Very fast but may need manual tuning Less accurate than GillespieSSA’s version

Inaccurate for 2nd order

GillespieSSA Very slow

Inaccurate for initial zero counts


Inaccurate for initial zero counts


Inaccurate interpolation


Inaccurate for initial zero counts


Inaccurate for initial zero counts


Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Dileep Kishore, Srikiran Chandrasekaran. Released under: Apache Software License 2.0